学習センター | Altair
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Tips & Tricks: LAP

Step-by-Step Layup Optimization with LAP

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HyperWorks for Crash: Simulation with Radioss

Erwan Mestres (Business Development Director) is presenting a comprehensive overview of Altair's crash solution Radioss, touching on basics, model setup, safety models (such as dummies and barriers), and also analysis speed-up with e.g. scaling or sub-modelling.


HyperWorks for Crash: Model Preparation and Evaluation

This webinar will introduce the latest crash and safety capabilities in HyperWorks 14.0, working with RADIOSS, LS-DYNA and PAM-CRASH. It also reviews other powerful tools and recommended processes available in Altair’s pre- and post-processing software.


A Minimization of Forming Loads in the Gear Driver Forging Process Using AFDEX and HyperStudy

In the webinar, there will be a presentation of the most efficient ways to optimize those process parameters encountered in metal forming processes, which are based on AFDEX, general purpose metal forming simulator and HyperStudy, Altair’s optimization tool.


Matereality-HyperWorks CAE Connectivity

Use Matereality to store all of your relevant material data, convert raw data in your database into formatted CAE Material files and export your library as a Master Material file for use in HyperWorks.

Tips & Tricks

Lightweight and Durable Design of Automotive Components

This webinar covers how advanced optimization techniques helped FCA Engineering India Pvt. explore the lightweight component design of a vehicle suspension system. For this purpose, the development process of a track bar bracket will be shown, highlighting how a lightweight and durable component design was achieved.


HyperWorks for Aerospace Series: Electromagnetics

This webinar will give an overview and update on the EM simulation solutions (FEKO, Flux and WinProp) in HyperWorks for the aerospace industry and its segments covering applications and real use cases from antenna design and placement, EMC, RCS and wave propagation to electric machines, actuators and sensors and high power equipment.


HyperWorks for Aerospace: Structural Solvers

This video summarizes the latest features of OptiStruct 14.0.120 which are very relevant for aerospace engineers. The topics discussed are new stress constraints for topology optimization, a 'fast contact' algorithm, tape laying manufacturing for composites, fail safe topology optimization, and resultant forces and moments as design criteria. The webinar also touches on MotionSolve and RADIOSS as solvers for the Aerospace industry.


Optimizing Your CAE Data Preparation with HyperMesh and CADdoctor

This webinar will incorporate how CADdoctor has been a flagship product in data translation and optimization by helping users to prepare the best 3D data for their optimal CAE analysis.


Safety System Simulation with MADYMO-Radioss

The Webinar will outline how engineers can combine the best of both worlds in a single co-simulation environment and gain considerable time saving in vehicle developments. The Radioss-MADYMO coupling solution enables engineers to use the same MADYMO dummy and restraint models in occupant safety analysis as well as in the RADIOSS structural analysis. This removes the need to create intermediate FE models of the restraint system, which reduces development time and provides higher confidence in simulation results.


HyperWorks for Aerospace: Model Build Webinar

This webinar covers an overview of HyperMesh 14.0 and present live demos, including all the latest functionality of the 14.0.120 release.


HyperWorks for Aerospace: Results Visualization and Interrogation

In this webinar you learn about the latest workflows for post-processing of the aerospace industry. Post-processing of composites will be discussed, as well as efficient reporting tools to quickly query huge amounts of data. You will also learn about the Matrix browser and how you can use it in your day-to-day work. This webinar includes the latest release of HW 14.0.120.


Data discovery and how to seamlessly search, identify, and move material properties data using Total Materia and HyperMesh

An insightful introduction to Total Materia and its recent integration into Altair’s HyperMesh which allows access to the world’s most comprehensive materials database direct from the HyperMesh environment. This webinar will put data discovery in the context of the workflow and demonstrate how to search, identify and move material properties data seamlessly between Total Materia and the material card.


Optimizing Strain Gauge Placement with LW Finder and HyperMesh

In this webinar, you will learn about how to use LW Finder to optimize strain gauge placement. It will include a background on some of the challenges encountered when using strain gauges to measure structural loads. The webinar will include an example workflow for how to minimize measurement errors when measuring loads applied to a casted bracket. The workflow will use HyperMesh, OptiStruct, and LW Finder. Other pre-processor/Solver combinations will also be discussed.


3D Printing for Innovative Mold Making Combined with Simulation Driven Design Inspiration Push the Limits for High Performance Castings

Bringing design optimization, fatigue analysis, casting, and 3D printing together addresses the challenges of lightweight design and enables the creation of an innovative design and manufacturing process that enhances performance and efficiency.


HyperWorks 14.0: Multibody Simulation

The 14.0 release of Altair’s Multi-body solution contains three major capabilities that span across modeling, analysis, post-processing and optimization: - 3D contact - Geometric and material nonlinear finite elements - Advanced Driver and Road For Vehicle Simulation Additionally, the ability to create complex, nonlinear systems to evaluate the dynamic behavior of systems, study vibration isolation, and design control systems, has now been expanded. The next generation of model-based development products (solidThinking Compose, Activate and Embed) will be previewed in this session, explaining how to lead product design with system modeling.


Introduction to AVL FIRE™ M

AVL FIRE™ M is a multi-domain simulation software, which allows to compute simultaneously non-reacting single phase flows, heat transfer and solid temperatures in systems without moving boundaries. Please note: You will need to login to Altair Connect to view this recording.


Introduction to AVL EXCITE Acoustics

AVL EXCITE™ Acoustics is a tool for the calculation of sound radiation in free field from vibrating structures such as engines and power units using the Wave Based Technique (WBT).


Inspire Gripping Bracket

An Inspire model of a robotic gripping bracket.

Demo Models

Matereality-HyperMesh Connectivity: Create CAE Master Material Files for Use in HyperMesh

This webinar will show how Matereality’s Workgroup Material DatabasePro on Altair’s HyperWorks platform brings a hurdle-free interaction with materials information for design engineers. Please note: You will need to login to Altair Connect to view this recording.


One Source Solution for Short-Fiber-Reinforced Materials in FEA

This webinar shows possibilities to enhance your FE Analysis of fiber-reinforced plastics and explains the best way to extract more reliable information out of your parts. Focusing on the anisotropic material behavior, the workflow will show the mapping of fiber orientation results from Moldex3D onto the FE solver OptiStruct by using Converse. The whole chain will be explained from “what is the main issue with short-fiber-reinforced plastics” to “what effort/benefit ratio can be expected”. Please note: You will need to login to Altair Connect to view this recording.


A Transfer Function Approach for Computing Acoustic Response During RPM Sweeps

This webinar will feature OptiStruct and Coustyx, presenting a new approach for efficiently calculating the acoustic field during speed sweeps. The TF based approach will result in faster solutions than conventional method. Please note: You will need to login to Altair Connect to view this recording.


Quieter Products Using OptiStruct & AlphaCell: The Right Effort with the Right Tool

This webinar will present the basics of porous material modeling and user key benefits of a combined usage of OptiStruct and AlphaCell. Please note: You will need to login to Altair Connect to view this recording.


AlphaCell: Transfer Matrix Method vs Finite Element Method

Short technical demo of AlphaCell for NVH analysis regarding two separate methods of sound transmission loss computations.

Quick Start

Matereality Workgroup Material DatabasePro Product Overview Video

Short introduction to the material management software.

Product Overview Videos

Matereality Tip: The Many Ways to Fill in a Gap in Your Materials Information Core

Quick tips to help you get started with Matereality Workgroup Material DatabasePro.

Quick Start

FEKO Webinar Recording: Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Analysis Using HyperWorks

In this webinar presented by the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, we will look into some of the key analysis aspects that are currently being undertaken for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Phase 1 project using HyperWorks.


DSHplus Hydraulic and Pneumatic Actuator Models for Aerospace Applications

This webinar demonstrates how DSHplus is able to support the general engineering of aircraft hydraulic systems with simulation models at typical system level detail as well as with high-fidelity physical models, which allow a comprehensive performance analysis and which also support simulation driven optimization techniques, to improve the system's performance.


Occupant Safety Analysis for Aviation

This webinar demonstrates the use of MADYMO FAA dummies in aviation research on estimating the lumbar load tolerances for the 5th and 95th percentile sizes based on scaling of the FAA Hybrid-III 50th percentile.


FEMFAT Tip: Save Time By Reusing Scratch Files

See how to save time in FEMFAT max analyses by considering the right time for generating scratch files.

Tips & Tricks

Introduction to AFDEX by MFRC

AFDEX is a general-purpose metal forming simulator originally dedicated to the analysis of forging process, and it is based on rigid-elasto/thermo/viscoplastic finite element method.


SimLab 14.0 Rollout Webinar

In this webinar the entirely new user experience of SimLab 14.0 is beeing discussed. Besides a presentation this video contains a demo of pre- and post-processing of an analysis in SimLab 14.0.


AFDEX Tutorials

AFDEX 3D Step-by-step Video Tutorials - Single stage cold forging - Four stage cold forging - Hot forging process with a force limit - Cold forging process with spring attached die - Piercing process - Trimming process


Introduction to KTex Family by CEDREM

KTex Family is a set of tools dedicated to composite materials to represent them precisely at the scale of the yarns and take into account the impact of manufacturing processes on their mechanical properties.


Introduction to LW Finder by LW Engineering

LW Finder takes the guesswork out of strain gauge placement. LW Finder provides accuracy and control when using strain gauges to measure structural loads. It finds the best locations to place strain gauges and predicts measurement error.


FEKO Webinar Recording: FEKO 14.0 Automation & Scripting

FEKO 14.0 will be released with a myriad of new automation features. Extensive support for automation in CADFEKO has been added. In addition, control over custom dialogs has been improved. An introductory overview of automation will be presented, along with examples of how automation can be used to improve efficiency when working with FEKO.


FEKO Webinar: Preview of FEKO 14.0 under HyperWorks

The release of FEKO 14.0 will be the first version of FEKO released under altair HyperWorks since the acquisition of EM Software & Systems S.A. by Altair Engineering last year. In addition to discussing some changes to this HyperWorks integration (such as licensing), the webinar will introduce new extensions to the FEKO solver and user interface.


Choosing the Right Solver in FEKO

One of the key features in FEKO is that it includes a broad set of unique and hybridized solvers, giving the possibility to combine methods to solve complex and electrically large problems, with all solvers included in the same package. Presented by Jordi Soler, Director of Business Development, Electromagnetics, this webinar provides an overview and guide on how to choose the most appropriate method in FEKO.


Introduction to nanoFluidX by FluiDyna

nanoFluidX is a particle-based fluid dynamics simulation tool to predict the flow in complex geometries with complex motion.


Finite Element Analysis of Additively Manufactured Products

With the growing interest in additive manufacturing in the aerospace industry, there is a desire to accurately simulate the behavior of components made by this process. The layer by layer print process appears to create a morphology that is different from that from conventional manufacturing processes.


MapleSim to VisSim

Rapid physical modeling, analysis and model deployment to VisSim.

Quick Start

Cabin Comfort - Analyze Airflows and Thermal Effects

It is cost prohibitive to rely on climatic wind tunnel tests in the initial vehicle HVAC system design process. Additionally, the passenger compartment airflow and thermal environment is one in a state of constant change requiring use of transient CFD simulations. In this 45-minutes complimentary session, we will give an overview of Altair’s CFD solution to simulate the airflow in the passenger compartment and include all relevant thermal effects such as convection, conduction and radiation heat transfer in the cabin. The geometry model of the vehicle interior is based on an Altair-developed generic cabin model. This geometry is used to demonstrate the model build and execution process including how to automate the model build process.


Matereality Workgroup Material DatabasePro and HyperWorks Connectivity

Description and tutorial about the connection between Matereality Workgroup Material DatabasePro and HyperWorks.

Quick Start

Matereality Tip: Create CAE Master Material Files for use in HyperWorks

Quick guide to creating material files in Matereality Workgroup Material DatabasePro that are compatible with HyperWorks.

Quick Start

DSHplus Tip: Using a Formula Automatically Calculate a Mass Spring Damper System

This video explains how to apply formulas to automatically calculate a mass spring damper system.

Quick Start

FEKO Webinar Recording: Radar Cross Section & Antenna Design

Due to the size and complexity of a Navy ship at sea, proper calculation of radar cross section and of antenna coverage has long been elusive. This webinar will show how, with hybrid numerical methods available today, this has become possible. The practical pros and cons of various methods will be introduced, after which results for a broad frequency range will be shown, up to many GHz for a realistic large Navy frigate.


Intro to CADdoctor Presentation

Presentation introducing CADdoctor, software for 3D geometry healing, simplification and verification, as well as data translation.


FEKO Webinar Recording: EM Design in the Electronics Industry

This webinar covers FEKO’s role in the design and optimization cycle’s typical to the electronics industry. These include early stage antenna selection, automated optimization, tolerance analysis and what-if trade-off investigations. Antenna integration, matching and performance for various conditions are also discussed.

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