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3 Simple Steps to Start Your Robotic Process Automation Journey

RPA and Automation are popular buzzwords, but what can they actually provide your organization? And, how do you get started? Data transformation tools such as Altair Monarch perfectly complement RPA processes to free up human capital, prevent lost revenue, and ultimately maximize your investment. Learn how starting small with the right approach can help demonstrate value to your organization by minimizing repetitive and time-intensive processes.  This session explores: • Getting started with RPA and implementation in your organization • Leveraging advanced data preparation to drive operational and administrative efficiencies • Eliminating siloed usage and error-prone tasks through RPA To learn more about the ABCs of RPA, fill out the form.


MAESTRO and Altair Workflow for Ship Structural Design, Analysis, and Optimization

In this video you'll receive an overview of MAESTRO and it's integration with Altair solutions for ship design. MAESTRO by MAESTRO Marine LLC is a design, analysis, evaluation, and optimization tool specifically tailored for floating structures. MAESTRO is available through the Altair Partner Alliance.

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Demystifying Industry 4.0

Explore what it means to take the modern-day factory to the next level with predictive maintenance, predictive quality, and monitoring and controlling built in. Alvaro Perez Bello, Sr. Product Manager - SmartWorks IoT, discusses the reasons for all the talk around Industry 4.0, the impact of market pressure points of supply and demand resulting in more complex solutions, the changing business models built around everything-as-a-service, and rapidly evolving technologies that facilitate it all. Through expert insight, you’ll understand the complexity of developing a good IIoT software ecosystem, and how SmartWorks IoT helps developers build factory applications while avoiding redundant workflows that IoT ecosystems otherwise demand. Try SmartWorks IoT today, for free - click here to start trial.


Digital Debunking: Could a Dinosaur Really Crush a Jurassic World Gyrosphere?

In theory, could the dinosaurs in the movies actually destroy the glass gyrosphere vehicles with a tap of their giant claw, or was it just for show? Using Irazu software by APA partner, Geomechanica, simulations were carried to study how much force would really be needed. Watch the video to see the results!

Product Overview Videos

PM-FlexTire™ by Pratt Miller Deformable Tire Model

PM-FlexTire deformable tire model for use with EDEM soil models and ADAMS or Motion Solve. PM-FlexTire is an finite element-based tire model that is integrated with the Altair® EDEM™ soft-soil simulation platform and significantly expands what is possible in virtual development of soft-soil mobility. The model provides realistic deformation and high fidelity forces and moments through co-simulation between EDEM and multi-body dynamics (MBD) codes. Included time-varying air pressure model and detailed tread pattern interaction with particles are features unique to PM-FlexTire. Users can create models from tire CAD using various meshing solutions including Altair® HyperMesh® and Gmsh integrations, or use meshes generated from other third party meshing tools. Comprehensive integration with discrete element method (DEM) simulation provides a high level of utility relative to alternatives to support increased scope of virtual development. Simulation complexity and licensing cost of PM-FlexTire and the corresponding integrations are "best fit" for virtual mobility development in soft-soil DEM simulation environments.

Product Overview Videos

Altair® Knowledge Studio®: Transparent AI and Machine Learning

Knowledge Studio, Altair’s machine learning and AI solution, quickly gets to the granular, low-latency data that contain the insights. Delivering transparency and automation with features such as AutoML and Explainable AI, we streamline model building so more time can be spent analyzing and results can be trusted. Our flexible no-code approach doesn’t restrict how models are configured and tuned, giving you control over model building. With our support for popular, open-source languages and engines, you can integrate new models built using Altair into your existing analytics infrastructure. Click here to learn more about Knowledge Studio.

Product Overview Videos

New Innovative Opportunities in the Compliance Assessment and Selection of Materials for the Medical Industry

In world where the population is getting older and living longer, the need for durable medical devices and implants is exploding. This requirement drives innovation in the space, widening the scope from the traditional metals such as titanium and cobalt chromium, to newer material groups including thermoplastics and ceramics which at the same time increases the challenges in safety and the efficacy of the end product. We will cover how Total Materia can drive precise, safe decisions around material selection for a range of critical constraints, whether it be basic material durability, fatigue strength requirements or adherence to a range of regulatory guidelines including biocompatibility or compliance to other national administrative controls such as the FDA. Presenter: Natalija Scepanovic, Applications Specialist, Key to Metals AG Featuring Total Materia, available through the Altair Partner Alliance.


Efficient Workflow for the Simulation of Plastics in the Medical Industry

The strength assessment of plastic components is often a problem in practice. It is important for the beneficial application of simulation to achieve a good trade-off between the simplest possible modeling approaches (material model, strength assessment) and sufficient fidelity of the simulation results. If non-standardized simulation and assessment approaches are used, or experience-based, subjective procedures are employed, uncertainties follow and the comparability of different analyses is often not possible. Therefore, a workflow of Altair and partner software is shown to avoid such uncertainties and two examples from medical industry are used to display the benefits. Simplified procedures help to reduce the work load and increases the confidence in simulation results. The standardized procedure avoids mistakes and assures that reproducibility and comparability of the results is always given. Presenter: Sascha Pazour, Engineer, PART Engineering GmbH Featuring S-Life Plastics, available through the Altair Partner Alliance


Fast Modelling and Simulation of Complex Radomes

Radomes are a key part of antenna systems, which can seriously degrade transmitted and received signals. Modeling and simulation time for complex radomes can extend from days to weeks, and that also includes FSS structures embedded into them.


Optical Modeling of Medical and Biomedical Systems Using TracePro

The design of medical and biomedical systems can present unique and challenging obstacles. Factors such as scattering from tissue, high absorption, and low signal levels need to be addressed. Optical design and analysis programs such as TracePro feature tools such as bulk scattering and importance sampling that can help with this. TracePro allows the user to design, optimize, and verify the system in a virtual environment, decreasing development time and cost as well as reducing time to market. Designing with TracePro allows the user to try a large number of variations in a short amount of time and sometimes find solutions that may not have been considered initially. In this webinar we will look at several types of systems in TracePro including pulse oximetry and fluorescence microscopy. Presenter: Dave Jacobsen, Sr. Application Engineer, Lambda Research Corporation Featuring TracePro, available through the Altair Partner Alliance


The Cost of Cooling: Unlocking Vehicle Efficiency with Cabin CFD

Air conditioning can reduce fuel economy by more than 20%, making it the vehicle's most energy-consuming system. To solve this difficult challenge, vehicle designers are turning to Altair's powerful and intuitive CFD solutions to understand the energy consumption and energy losses of the system for increased range and improved passenger thermal environment. Presenter: Bill Calver Partner: TIATherm by Thermal Analytics


Journey to Simulation-driven Design with Litens Automotive

Litens engineers have used simulation for many years to solve challenging engineering problems. Despite investments in simulation tools, methods, and high-performance computing (HPC), achieving up-front simulation-driven design was out of reach. Litens engineers recognized that their ability to solve advanced structural problems was limited by their existing simulation strategy. This webinar explores how Litens overcame these limitations, and their journey to simulation-driven design with Altair. The following topics will be covered: -Choice of methods to solve quasi-static structural problems: implicit vs. explicit -Technical merits and challenges associated with each method and business outcomes -How Litens engineers leveraged the Altair Unlimited Physical appliance, a turnkey, fully managed HPC cluster utilizing RADIOSS, a high performance explicit dynamic solver -One engineer’s testimonial about the decisions taken and its impact on their design/development processes, simulation throughput, and overall competitiveness


Upload Machine Learning Models Built with Altair® Knowledge Studio® to Altair® SmartWorks™ Analytics

Knowledge Studio makes it easy to export models to Altair’s SmartWorks Analytics for model management and model deployment. This video was produced using Knowledge Studio 2021.3 and SmartWorks Analytics 2021.3.

Product Overview Videos

Sustainable Design with Circular Product Lifecycle Management

Leveraging material data, integrated simulation, data analytics, and AI, Altair's solutions are driving a shift to circular design, creating regenerative, closed-loop systems that use a product, its materials, and its components at their highest value for as long as possible, while minimizing the creation of waste.

Product Overview Videos

What is Sustainable Product Design?

Circular product lifecycle management benefits industry and the earth by considering what the product you're developing will become in the future.

Product Overview Videos

How Do Companies Achieve Sustainable Product Design?

Refining their processes to capitalize on resource efficiency, manufacturers today are relying on smart, connected technology to make their products more sustainable.

Product Overview Videos

How Does a Digital Thread Make Products More Sustainable?

Altair makes sustainably-driven product design possible by weaving a digital thread through its development, testing, and operation.

Product Overview Videos

Advanced Simulation Solutions for Geomechanical Analysis in Mining

In this webinar you'll hear from industry expert, Ioannis Vazaios, Senior Geotechnical Engineer at Ove Arup & Partners and receive an overview of how Altair's Geomechanics Director and Irazu by Geomechanica Inc. (Altair APA) can help you analyze complex applications that involve large displacements and fracturing of discontinuous rocks. Presenters: Ioannis Vazaios - Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Ove Arup & Partners Omid Mahabadi - President, CEO, Co-founder, Geomechanica Inc. Chayan Basak - Technical Director, Altair


Achieving better Vehicle NVH performance using MSA and RBDO methods

In the context of NVH vehicle development, a common source of costly design change is where issues are discovered late in a program during vehicle testing or even post launch. Often this occurs where the simulation has met the targets including vehicle level analysis. By considering a population of results rather than the nominal CAE result, a process is demonstrated to develop a more reliable design that will deliver high levels of customer satisfaction and lower levels of late change and warranty costs. In this presentation we will introduce how this can be achieved through the use of MSA and RBDO methods within the framework of Altair’s NVH Director environment. Presenter: Peter Benzie - Senior Technical Specialist NVH, Altair


Delivering Off-Road Mobility for the U.S. Soldier

In this presentation, Dr. David J. Gorsich - Chief Scientist, U.S. Army Ground Vehicle Systems, describes the GVSC’s current programs to deliver an operational model and insights into future terrain mobility models. The ability of a ground force to maneuver has always been critical to determining success or defeat on the battlefield. On the future battlefield, mobility will remain essential with predictive intelligence central to mission completion. At present, mobility models are not terribly precise, as mobility depends on a large number of interdependent variables, like soil characteristics, moisture, temperature, vehicle characteristics, and with large amounts of uncertainty. The convergence of better ways to measure the key parameters either directly or remotely coupled with the increase in computational power and advanced vehicle design is bringing the promise of more accurate terrain and mobility models. Imagine a battlespace where we could accurately advise our forces where it is possible and not possible to maneuver, while the adversary does not have such an advantage.


Design Optimization & Lightweighting: Considering Uncertainties for Marine Applications

Reducing weight through design optimization can be another way to deal with global warming since it could reduce greenhouse gas emission. However, uncertainty can have a decisive effect on reliability and safety of a structure when the design is near-optimal or optimal. In this presentation, we will introduce how to consider uncertainties from environmental (wave, wind, current) loads, material properties, and manufacturing process in marine applications using RAMDO to obtain a reliable and light weighted design. Presenter: Hyun-Seok Kim - Senior Researcher, Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering (KRISO)


Design for Variability: Possibilities and Challenges

A brief overview of successful applications of variability simulation techniques in achieving better product designs, and discuss challenges in taking design for variability to the next level. Presenter: Jianmin Guan - Sr. Director, Vibration and Acoustics Solutions, Altair


Virtual Product Development via Physics-Based Simulation

As manufacturers face demands for faster time-to-market, higher quality, and cost-effective design, they started adopting Virtual Product Development (VPD) using physics-based simulation tools and avoid the build–test–redesign–retest cycle. The benefits of VPD are palpable, with reduced development costs, significantly fewer physical prototypes, and drastically shortened development schedules. Highly powerful CAE (FEA, CFD, MBD, Durability, Acoustics, etc.), CAD, CAM and Optimization Software make realization of VPD possible. However, to develop an effective VPD, the physics-based simulation model needs to be statistically validated (V&V) so they can represent the physical system well. Presenter: KK Choi - Managing Member, RAMDO Solutions


Meet Your Motor Control Design Goals and Program Deadlines

Learn how to reduce motor control code development time with Altair Embed and STMicroelectronics. Embed provides ready-to-use libraries for motor control strategies combined with a fast debugging capability. The visual environment uses block diagrams to design, simulate, analyze, and automatically generate efficient code that can be downloaded, executed, and validated directly on target hardware. Deep support for the on-chip peripherals of the STM32 family of 32-bit microcontrollers reduces errors and iterations while lowering costs.


Altair Flow Simulator - Integrated Thermo-fluid System Design

Altair Flow Simulator is a 3D design tool that provides interdisciplinary modeling and optimization for fluid and thermal systems within a CAD-integrated environment. Flow Simulator was originally developed by GE Aviation to simulate challenging gas turbine applications like the secondary air systems, oil & lube systems, combustor cooling, and thermal management of accessories. Today, Altair Flow Simulator leverages these modeling capabilities to support all thermal systems, including those crucial to electromobility, renewable energy and electronics design.

Product Overview Videos

Solving Electromagnetic Interference Issues without Testing

Safe and compliant electronic system design is important across all industries. Conforming to EMC regulations while reducing development costs and time requires the implementation of simulation throughout the product design lifecycle. With increased adoption organizations reduce design iterations and costly laboratory testing while meeting targets. Learn how Altair PollEx and Feko are used to simulate EMI/EMC at the board, subsystem, and system level.


HR Analytics: Overcoming Challenges & Unlocking Opportunities

Is data a challenge or an asset for your HR department? Discover how to minimize the time spent on reporting while maximizing insights from your available data sources. The HR department’s monthly, weekly, and even daily reports have a wide range of complexity and importance. From the “no-fail” tasks of payroll reporting to the in-depth look at the overall health of an organization through talent acquisition and talent retention, the role of HR and the data it needs for the job are inseparable. Our analytics expert will reveal how you can: - Manage data from payroll systems - Track diversity hire information YoY - Assess the health of your organization - And more! Visit our HR Analytics page for additional resources


Quick Failure Analysis and Improved Solution of Bolted Joint by Cetim-Cobra

This webinar features Cobra by Cetim, available through the Altair Partner Alliance. On a heavy compressor, changing a damaged part is not always possible due to time and cost constraints. When the first threads of a tapped part (M48) have been stripped during a maintenance mistake, a quick repair had to be defined, with minimum part modifications. The new design had to prove equivalent in strength, fatigue, and pressure on sealing rings at service temperature compared to the original design. The robustness of the solution is also analyzed, comparing results for different tolerances. FEM analysis would prove too long. Cobra allowed to design and verify a solution in a very short time, based on a threaded insert and thanks to its fast calculations.


Implement Multi-FMU Simulation Using CosiMate, a Complete Co-Simulation Platform

Functional mock-up interface (FMI), is a standard for co-simulation at system level. In this live webinar, we will present a strategy to instantiate models between internal and external stakeholders using different modeling tools. The CosiMate software is a platform for co-simulation, that allows co-simulation of both native system models and/or FMU’s. This helps with the validation of simulation workflows with less effort. In this session, will discuss the benefits of native co-simulation to prepare FMU’s. We will also define prerequisites to export and run an FMU using a commercially available simulator. We will then guide you through the integration of FMU to co-simulation platform. Finally, we will underline the advantages of FMUs for co-simulation and distributed co-simulation.


Build a Complete Analytics Pipeline to Optimize Smart Factory Operations

IoT-enabled infrastructure in factories produce mountains of data that managers can use to optimize plant operations. IoT technology and the sensors that generate most of this data are key building blocks for executing on the industry 4.0 vision of a smart factory. The proper analysis and visualization of this data, coupled with machine learning deployed in the cloud or at the edge, can help companies achieve higher degrees of productivity, flexibility, and innovation and compete more effectively. The need to stitch together the tools required to support the entire workflow — from data prep to machine learning and MLOps (machine learning model operationalization management) — requires broad specialized knowledge and expertise, as well as significant upfront investment. Coupled with the need for data to pass between systems and tools, these factors introduce substantial amounts of risk into the implementation process. We built Altair® SmartWorks™ Analytics specifically to address these challenges and enable data-driven decision making and AI-augmented automation. In this video, we demonstrate how to build an analytics pipeline, including deployment of MLOps models, in a smart factory environment.

Product Overview Videos

Better Product Decisions Earlier with Simulation-driven Design

Altair® Inspire™ democratizes modeling and simulation making it accessible to all designers and engineers, particularly if they don’t have time for (or access to) traditional CAD tools. It now provides a robust history-based CAD modeling approach to create and modify geometry easily and quickly.

Quick Start

Reduce e-Motor Multiphysics Optimization Cycle from Weeks to Hours

By combining computationally efficient reduced-order models and detailed CAE analysis with process automation of repetitive and tedious tasks, Altair provides workflows for early system models, mixed-fidelity simulations, and multiphysics validations, across domains including electrification or advanced manufacturing. In this example, we're showing the end-to-end multiphysics optimization cycle of an electric motor, reducing the simulation process time from weeks to hours.

Quick Start

Bringing Augmented Intelligence to a Broad Range of CAE Tools

Engineering adoption of AI is transforming product development yet again. AI-driven design, augmented simulation, and predictive analytics are all contributing to increase collaboration, speed up design convergence, and achieve greater product innovation. The latest release of Altair® HyperWorks® includes features like shapeAI, which quickly finds and classifies parts "by shape" inside geometry files or finite element meshes by applying machine learning.

Quick Start

Accelerating Electronic Systems Development from Design to Manufacturing - Altair PollEx

Delivering electronics that delight consumers requires more than just linking the ECAD and MCAD worlds. It requires physics-based analysis at the speed of design and collaboration across disciplines throughout development. PollEx brings Altair’s simulation-driven design philosophy to the electronics industry, inspiring innovation while ensuring timing, performance, reliability, and compliance targets are met.

Product Overview Videos

Day3- Data Science Workshop for Engineers to Discover What's Next in Simulation and AI

In this workshop, we will take you through the basics of data science for engineers and share our experience on the typical engineering use cases of using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI / ML). We will also address the typical workflows and challenges in the application of these emerging technologies.


Day2- Data Science Workshop for Engineers to Discover What's Next in Simulation and AI

In this workshop, we will take you through the basics of data science for engineers and share our experience on the typical engineering use cases of using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI / ML). We will also address the typical workflows and challenges in the application of these emerging technologies.


Modeling Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes Using Particle Simulation

In this webinar, learn more about Altair EDEM software and how it can help optimize a range of pharmaceutical manufacturing processes including mixing, milling, tableting, and tablet coating.

EDEM accurately simulates and analyzes the behavior of powders, tablets and capsules. It can provide key insight into operations and processes otherwise difficult or impossible to obtain using experiments alone.

Learn how leading pharmaceutical manufacturers including Novo Nordisk and Pfizer are using EDEM to increase process efficiency and capability, improve product quality, reduce prototyping costs, and get products to market quicker.

Webinar contents:
• Context and Challenges
• Introducing Altair EDEM
• Applications examples: storage and conveying, mixing, milling, tableting, and tablet coating
• Q&A

Duration: 57 minutes


Day1- Data Science Workshop for Engineers to Discover What's Next in Simulation and AI

In this workshop, we will take you through the basics of data science for engineers and share our experience on the typical engineering use cases of using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI / ML). We will also address the typical workflows and challenges in the application of these emerging technologies.


EikoTwin Reconnects Simulations with Tests

The EikoTwin software allows to implement the test/calculation dialogue during the development of industrial mechanical products. Based on innovative image processing technologies, EikoTwin aims at bridging the gap between the real and virtual worlds. EikoTwin DIC by EikoSim is available through the Altair Partner Alliance.

Product Overview Videos

Altair® SimLab®: CFD - Not Just for Experts

The objective of this webinar is to present an intuitive and robust CFD workflow available in Altair® SimLab® and to expose the features that can make model setup process even faster, thereby minimizing/avoiding any manual or repeatable steps. A live demo will be performed using real world models to show the simple and smooth model setup process in Altair® SimLab® that goes from CAD to results.


Altair® SimLab®: Multiple Physics Platform

As products become more and more complicated, the coupling of multiple physics is becoming more the need in product design cycles. A product engineer is many at times required to not just do a structural analysis, but also, thermal or CFD or at times even electromagnetic analysis. This webinar will show how Altair® SimLab® provides a robust platform for performing multi-physics analysis, and how the workflows allow for the coupling of complex geometry and physics with ease.


Efficient Model Build: Automatic Connection Generation

An important and highly time-consuming step of the CAE model build process is defining which parts of the model are fastened to each other and the method used, be it welds, bolts, adhesives and more. In this webinar we explore how Altair’s user-friendly connectors workflow can rapidly accelerate the process of creating, visualising and editing connections between parts and subsystems in a highly automated, repeatable and reusable way.

- Introduction
- Connectors: controls, browser, workflows, and attachments
- Demo example
- Q&A

Duration: 53 minutes


Altair® SimLab®: Electronic System Reliability Design Analysis

Explore how product engineers can mitigate mechanical failure of electronic system design using simulation tools. Altair's simulation driven design tools help you accelerate and streamline your electronic system design processes. With the age of digitalisation, most of the products have transformed from being mechanical to almost all electronic, turning the entire system into a purely Electronic design.


Efficient Model Build: Automatic Mesh Generation

Meshing is a time-consuming process yet critical to obtain high-quality results. In this webinar we introduce Altair’s automated meshing technologies and end-to-end workflows for meshing of complex parts.

- Introduction to Altair
- Automated Meshing in Altair Hyperworks: BatchMesher, Rebuild, Midmesh, Replicate
- Summary
- Q&A

Duration: 55 minutes


Efficient Model Build: Managing Multiple Parts and Configurations

Engineers are working with increasingly large and intricate models with different variants. In this webinar we look at how you can organize and manage parts with different configurations easily using Altair’s Part Browser, working from a common model that can be used by multiple teams, including crash and NVH, in parallel. We also introduce Altair Model Libraries and show how they enable distribution of tasks and collaboration between teams both local and remote.

- Model Build & Assembly Workflow Overview
- Parts: Part Browser, Parts representations, revisions and configurations
- Subsystems
- Summary
- Q&A

Duration: 60 minutes


Optical Analysis and Simulation of Automotive HUD

This presentation from APA Partner, Lambda Research Corporation, details optical analysis and simulation of an automotive head-up display (HUD) system using Optics Software for Layout and Optimization (OSLO) and TracePro.


Overcoming the Thermal Challenges of Electronic Devices

To design today’s tightly packaged electronic systems it is essential to create a thermal analysis model of the PCB within its enclosure. Learn how Altair SimLab provides robust and repeatable workflows for fast, accurate, and consistent analysis, even for occasional users allowing them to confidently identify and correct potential design issues earlier in development with accurate thermal analysis that doesn’t require advanced CFD knowledge.


Altair Data Analytics Spotlight Series: Visualizing Latency in Realtime

The inability to monitor, investigate, and act on time-sensitive data poses a substantial risk to your trading operations. Corvil provides unparalleled, best-in-class latency measurements from the edge all the way through your infrastructure, and Altair's real-time streaming and data visualization platform, Panopticon gives you the ability to design visual user interfaces of that data that give you the perspective you need to make insightful, fully informed decisions based on massive amounts of fast-changing data. Learn how you can leverage Panopticon to remove traditional Corvil session constraints and analyze latency metrics based on symbol, order router, decision strategy, time in force, and any other FIX message field in real-time.

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