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SimLab Tutorials - Tetra Mesh with Boundary Layers - Manifold

Create fluid domain; Create a volume mesh with boundary layers


SimLab Tutorials - CFD Meshing of an Exhaust Manifold

Create a surface mesh, modify layers and apply volume layers mesh control; Generate fluid body; Generate boundary layer and volume mesh


SimLab Tutorials - CFD Meshing Of a Differential Gearbox

Join cylindrical and planar faces; create inlet and outlet faces by filling holes; Select surfaces connected to a face; Generate fluid body; Create boundary layer and volume elements


SimLab Tutorials - Defeaturing and Cleanup-Gear

Simplify your model by removing features; Locally remesh faces; quality cleanup your mesh


SimLab Tutorials - Mesh Editing-Housing

Local remesh faces, if needed with grid mesh; Manual cleanup elements by swapping and collapsing edges; Defeature the model by flattening and aligning faces


SimLab Tutorials - Editing holes and circular faces_Housing

Remove and modify holes; Change the number of elements around/along circular faces; Align faces and edges to a given radius; Remesh partial cylinders


SimLab Tutorials - Advanced Grid Meshing

Use different methods to create grid meshing; Interactive meshing, Mesh transition, Project to CAD, Three sided faces, Intersection picking


SimLab Tutorials - Edit Mesh of Section Cut-Engine Assembly

Replace faces within a model; Translate faces and features using transform; Create identical/mirrored faces with replace faces


SimLab Tutorials - Gasket Meshing

Imprint gasket edges on faces; Create gasket faces using edge offset; Create gasket bodies using extrude; Imprint gasket faces using Imprint gasket


SimLab Tutorials - Logo removal

Remove a logo from meshed bodies


SimLab Tutorials - Assembly with Node Equivalence

Create shared cylindrical/planar faces; check for shared entities; cleanup joined parts through re-meshing; display equivalence nodes


SimLab Tutorials - Thread Removal

Select cylinders based on a defined radius; create groups using select adjacent layers; create mesh control; use remove thread tool; remesh cylindrical faces using isoline mesh control; remesh cylindrical faces by modifying layers; change cylinder radius


SimLab Tutorials - Model Compare using Fringe Plot

Search differences between models by using fringe plot


SimLab Tutorials - Auto 1D Bolts

Create/edit 1D bolt definition file; create automatically 1D bolts with/without pretension


SimLab Tutorials - Auto Hex Bolts

Create 3D bolts using faces/groups; merge and move bolts in a model; create solid pretension loads using Select


SimLab Tutorials - CAD based Hex Bolts

Create 3D bolts from CAD bolts; Create pretension load using Create; copy/reposition the bolts


SimLab Tutorials - Create 1D Bolts

Create 1D bolt head; create 1D bolt thread; Join the bolts using connect


SimLab Tutorials - Quick Modal Analysis

Create RBEs; constraint a model; set up and execute a quick normal mode analysis; view the results


SimLab Tutorials - Analysis 1D Pretension and Bearing Pressure

Define material and properties; define quickly 1D bolts with pretension; defining loads and constraints; define contacts; export solver deck; run a linear static analysis with OptiStruct; visualize entities


SimLab Tutorials - Linear Static Analysis of Connecting Rod

Create a local coordinate system; define contraints and loads; define contacts; create material and apply properties; export to solver and import results


SimLab Tutorials - Normal Mode Analysis of an Assembly

Create matching faces through assembly; assign load, mass and spring connection; assign material and properties; execute the analysis and verify results


SimLab Tutorials - Thermal Stress Analysis_Safety Valve Assembly

Apply constraints on 1D bolts RBE nodes; apply pressure loads; create mapping of thermal loads; import contact definition; create material and apply properties; create load case; solve and review the results


SimLab Tutorials - Non-Linear Static Analysis

Apply symmetry constraints; apply enforced displacement constraint; create 3d bolt with pretension; create advanced contacts; create load case; modify solution parameters; solve and review the results


SimLab Tutorials - Solver Setup for Non-Linear Analysis

Create group-based 3d bolts with pretension; apply user-defined contacts; create material with elasto-plastic curve; apply constraints and bearing pressure; create loadcases and define non-linear static solver settings


SimLab sT: Results Accuracy

Local refinements to increase accuracy.


E-Mobility System Integration and Optimization Video Series

This series discusses various aspects of system modeling for e-Mobility studies from overall performance simulations including fuel economy, to model refinements for electric engines and/or vehicle dynamics.

Training Materials, Tutorials

Inspire Extrude Metal Workflow - Step 1

Step 1: Load Orientation


Inspire Extrude Metal Workflow - Step 2

Step 2: Extract Bearing


Inspire Extrude Metal Workflow - Step 3

Step 3: Create Billet and Material Selection


Inspire Extrude Metal Workflow - Step 4

Step 4: Perform Extrusion Simulation


Inspire Extrude Metal Workflow - Step 5

Step 5: Analyze Results


Inspire Extrude Polymer Workflow - Step 1

Step 1: Import Load and Extract Volumes


Inspire Extrude Polymer Workflow - Step 2

Step 2: Material Selection and Organizing Layers


Inspire Extrude Polymer Workflow - Step 3

Step 3: Process Data and Run Analysis


Inspire Extrude Polymer Workflow - Step 4

Step 4: Run Post Processing


AFDEX Tutorials

AFDEX 3D Step-by-step Video Tutorials - Single stage cold forging - Four stage cold forging - Hot forging process with a force limit - Cold forging process with spring attached die - Piercing process - Trimming process


Submitting a Job in Altair Access

Learn how to submit a job with Altair Access Web 2019.2


Monitoring a Job in Altair Access

Learn how to monitor a job with Altair Access Web 2019.2


Altair FlowTracer Demo

Altair FlowTracer is an advanced platform for developing and executing flows. FlowTracer’s tracing technique analyzes flows and identifies the dependencies and inherent parallelism built into today’s complex flows, optimizing use of compute resources.


Analyze Aggregated Client FX Flow with Altair Panopticon

Forex markets are becoming more electronified and participants are more diversified. Combine that with the explosion of trading venues and the FX market is today more complex and fragmented than ever before.

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